E-ISSN: 2583-5289

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Current Issues

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research

Publishing Body: ANFO Publication House
Peer Review Process
Frequency of Publication: Bimonthly [6 issues per year]
Languages: English
Indexed Journal
Refereed Journal
Accessibility: Open Access
Plagiarism Checker: Plagiarism X
Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.54660/IJMCR
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research: Is designed to publish research articles in Engineering & Technology, Mathematics, Management, Medical Sciences, Medicine, Social Science, Education, Agriculture, Geography, Advertising, Accounting & Finance, Botany, Business Research, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Application, Consumer Behaviour & Relationship Management, Corporate Governance, Earth Sciences, Economics, E-commerce, Bioscience, Entrepreneurship, Fisheries, History, Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Library Science, International Business, Law / Criminology, Life Sciences, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Performing Arts, Physics, Psychology, Health Care, Fine Art, Industrial Relations, Architecture, Marketing communication, Marketing Management, Microbiology, Nursing / Pharmacy, Nutraceuticals, Physical Education, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Population Studies, Selling and Marketing techniques, Strategic Management, Total Quality Management Training and Development, Sociology, English, Veterinary Sciences, Apiology, Arachnology, Arthropodology, Cetology, Conchology, Mosquito Taxonomical Studies, Vector (Mosquito) Biology, Vector Ecology, Prevention and Control of Mosquito/Vector-Borne Diseases, Vector Competence of Vector-Borne Diseases, Renewable Energy, Biopesticides/Botanical Insecticides in Vector Control and Management, Biological Control of Vector Mosquitoes, Vectors Parasite Interaction, Epidemiology, Parasitology, Surveillance and Control Technology of Vectors, Applied Fields of Mosquito Research, Entomology, Helminthology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Myrmecology, Nematology, Neuroethology, Ornithology, Paleozoology, Planktology, Primatology, Zooarchaeology, Zoosemiotics, Vector Molecular Biology, Molecular Endocrinology, Parasitology and Immunobiology, etc.