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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research

Peer Review Policy

Duties of Reviewers

1. Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Peer review plays a pivotal role in assisting editors with editorial decisions and in helping authors enhance their manuscripts through constructive feedback. It is a critical part of scholarly communication and lies at the core of scientific progress. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comprehensive Research (IJMCR) upholds the belief that all scholars who contribute to the scientific process have a responsibility to engage in peer review.

2. Promptness
Reviewers are expected to promptly notify the editors if they feel unqualified to assess the content of a manuscript or if timely completion of the review is not feasible. In such cases, reviewers should decline the invitation to review so alternative reviewers can be engaged without delay.

3. Confidentiality
Manuscripts assigned for review are confidential documents. Reviewers must not share or discuss them with others unless explicitly authorized by the Editor-in-Chief under specific and exceptional circumstances. This confidentiality requirement also applies to invited reviewers who decline the review request.

4. Standards of Objectivity
Reviews should be conducted with objectivity, focusing on constructive criticism and supported by clear, reasoned arguments. Personal remarks about the author are unacceptable. The review should help authors improve their work through clear, professional feedback.

5. Acknowledgement of Sources
Reviewers are expected to identify relevant works that have not been cited by the authors. Any statement within the manuscript that reflects previously reported findings should be appropriately referenced. Reviewers should notify editors of any significant similarities between the manuscript under review and other works they are aware of, whether published or unpublished.

6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
If a reviewer has any potential conflicts of interest—whether personal, professional, competitive, or collaborative—with the authors, institutions, or companies associated with the manuscript, they should immediately inform the editors and decline the review. This allows for the assignment of unbiased reviewers.

Any unpublished information or ideas gained through the peer-review process must not be used for personal research without the explicit, written permission of the authors. Confidential knowledge obtained during the review must remain protected and not be exploited for personal benefit, even if the reviewer chooses to decline the invitation to review.
